Norse legend describes the Norwegian Forest Cat as a mysterious, enchanted animal, and perhaps no other breed looks quite so wild or so much like a temporary visitor to the domestic hearth. Although it is in fact no more wild than the Maine Coon, which it resembles, it is still a natural breed that is rugged, hardy, and well-adapted to the cold Scandinavian winters. Most distinctive of these adaptive features is the Norwegian Forest Cat’s double coat, which keeps out the wind and the snow, keeps in the warmth, and dries in about fifteen minutes after a drenching.
All that is certain about the Norwegian Forest Cat is that it is an old breed. It ancestors may include shorthairs brought from Great Britain by the Vikings and longhaired cats brought by the Crusaders, which then mated with farm and feral stock. Alternatively, the Norsk Skaukatt, as it is known in its native land, may be none other than the troll cat of Scandinavian fairy tales. It was recognized in Norway in 1930 and first shown in 1938. For a while, no cats were allowed to be exported and the breed was largely unknown outside its own country. In recent years, however, it has achieved a higher international profile, and pedigree breeding lines have been established.
“Wegies” love people and can be very demanding of affection; in exchange they offer intelligent, friendly, playful company. Used to the outdoor life, where they make dine, swift hunters, they can nonetheless adapt happily to staying indoors, as long as they are given plenty of space.
All coat color and patterns are acceptable for the Norwegian Forest Cat, with or without white.
Blue Smoke Norwegian Forest Cat
A curious characteristic of this breed is that it tends to come down from trees spirally, head first.
- Triangualr in shape, with a long, wide, straight nose. Nose pad corresponds in color to the coat.
- Blue nose pad.
- Long, prominent whiskers.
- Heavy Chin.
- Full cheeks.
Large, almond-shaped, and set wide apart.
-Long, set high on the head, and pointed.
-Ear tufts.
Facial Characteristics
Blue Smoke Norwegian Forest Cat.
Robush and muscular, medium in length and square in appearance. Long neck.
-Of double type, consisting of long, water-resistant guard hairs covering thick underfur. Color is blue with white showing through.
-Smooth and oily guard hairs.
-wooly undercoat.
-Despite its length, the coat is relatively easy to groom.
- Profuse neck ruff is usually shed in summer.
Flowing, and as long as the body.
Long and powerful. Hind legs are slightly longer than the forelegs.
Wide with heavy paws. Pads correspond in color to the coat. Special claws allow for rock, as well as tree, climbing.
Tabby Norwegian Forest Cat
Tabbies tend to have heavier coats than other varieties of the breed, but as in all Norwegian Forest Cats, the fur is surprisingly resistant to tangles.