Angora - Longhaired Cats

Picture: Chocolate Tabby Angora

Probably the first Longhair to be seen in Europe, the Angora hails from what is now Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Lithe, with long, silky hair and plumed tail, it is a most attractive cat that has a venerable background.

Turkish sultans were sending these cats as gifts to the nobles of France and England during the sixteenth century, but by the end of the nineteenth century they had fallen out of fashion, being ousted by the new Longhairs and original Persians. Happily, the Ankara zoo came to the rescue and the Angora became something of a protected species. In the early 1960s, an American couple purchased two of the cats from the zoo, and re-established the breed in the US, where it is now very popular.

Gentle, friendly, and intelligent, the Angora is a fun-loving cat that enjoys playing games.

The first American Angoras were pure white (and prone to the deafness associated with the colour). Now, most Longhair coat colours are accepted, some of the most common of which are shown in the chart.

Varieties Coat
Pure whiteOrange, blue, or odd-eyed
Jet blackOrange
Black Smoke
White, blue tipsOrange
Blue Smoke
White, blue tipsOrange
Silver Tabby
Silver, black markingsOrange
Red Tabby
Red, rich red markingsOrange
Brown Tabby
Brown, black markingsOrange
Blue Tabby
Bluish-ivory, blue markingsOrange
White, black and red patchesOrange
Black, blue, red, or cream with white Orange

Chocolate Tabby Angora
A British variety. Angoras in Britain were developed “artificially” from breeding programmes using Siamese blood rather than by importing Turkish stock, producing a cat that looks the same as the original and American Angoras, but that has a more querulous voice.

Picture: Chocolate Tabby Angora

Medium in size, lithe and athletic.

The fur is medium-long, very fine and silky, with a tendency to wave. There should be a well-developed, lush, ruff. The cat moults during the winter months. No thick wooly undercoat.

Long and tapering, frequently carried proudly curled. Full tail brush.

Long and slim. The forelegs are shorter than the hind legs.

The paws are small, dainty, and round. Toe tufts.

Small to medium in size, wedge-shaped with a long nose and red nose pad.

Medium to large in size, almond-shaped and slanted. Eye color should be green or hazel.

Large, wide at the base, and pointed. Ear tufts.

Facial Characteristics
Chocolate Tabby Angora.

Picture: Odd-eyed White Angora