Lilac-and-White Bicolor Longhair
To produce the delicate, pinkish dove-grey colour of this cat, as well as even patching, takes dedicated breeding.
White plus another colour is a classic combination and, despite the numerous bocoloured street cats, this breed can be thought of as very much a "designer" cat.
Bicolor Longhairs were given their own class only in the late 1960s. The original standard stipulated that the patching should be exactly symmetrical; this proved so difficult that requirements were eased to allow any even distribution of colour.
The Bicolor Longhair is a placid, affectionate charmer.
These beautiful cats can be any solid color plus white, the most widely accepted being Black-and-White, Blue-and-White., Red-and-White, and Cream-and-White. In the US, the Persian Van Bicolour is a recognized variety whose head and tail patching resembles that of the Turkish Cat.
Cream-and-White Bicolor Longhair
As with all Bicolours, the white of this fairy new variety's coat should cover a maximum of half of the cat, and the colored patches p to two-thirds.
Round and broad, with a snub nose. The nose pad should either be pink or match the colored patches of the coat. Full cheeks and a white inverted "V" on the face is a desirable feature.
Large, round, and orange or copper in color.
Small and round-tipped. Ear tufts.
Facial Characteristics
Black-and-White Bicolor Longhair.
Black-and-White Bicolour Longhair
The original form the Bicolour, the Black-and-White was at first meant to immitate the symmetrical markings of a Dutch rabbit. The standard was eventually altered, however, when this proved virtually impossible to achieve.
A solid, cobby type.
The fur is dense, silky, and lush; the coloured patches should be solid and evenly distributed.
Short and bushy.
Short and thick.
The paws are large and round with pink paw pads.